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World’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad PBUH & the best human ever to walk on earth was born around 1400 years ago. Best man on earth birthplace was Mecca the capital city of Saudi Arabia. He was selected by Allah. In the years prior to His mission (Dawah) Hazrat Muhammad PBUH was awarded the title that of the Al-Sadiq (Trustworthy) and Al-Amin (Honest). In this article we will further dig into the details of greatest man in the world Hazrat Muhammad PBUH.
Islam is the complete code of life, our religion guides people with everything in life. People seek guidance from Quran, all messages of Allah are mentioned in the Quran. Prophets delivered message of Allah to followers.
Allah sent 30 prophets for guidance of the followers. World’s best man till today was the last prophet and messenger of Allah. The message of Allah was sent to world’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad PBUH through divine revelations.
Following verse of Surah e Ahzab provides evidence that the greatest man in the world Hazrat Muhammad PBUH is the last Prophet of Allah
“Muhammad (S.A.W.W) is the messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets.”
World’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad PBUH Early Life
World’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad PBUH was born in the Quraish family of Makkah. The Quraish were successful merchants of that time. World’s best man till today was born on 12th of Rabi Ul Awal in 570 A.D. He was the son of Hazrat Abdullah and Bibi Amna.
Hazrat Abdullah died before the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W). Greatest man in the world was named Muhammad by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. Bibi Amna took care of him until the age of 6 then she died. In that time there was a custom that new born will be given to the Bedouin women. The best man on earth Hazrat Muhammad PBUH was given to Hazrat Halima Sadia.

Condition of Makkah at the time of Greatest man in the world
At the time of Prophet PBUH birth, condition of Makkah was not good as people forgotten the message of God and life after death. There was no law, no justice, women were not given proper rights. This time was known as the Age of Ignorance.
After few years, the prophet returned to his mother Bibi Amna. She took him to Yasrib. On way back to Makkah Bibi Amnah died. After the death of Bibi Amna, world’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad PBUH grandfather ‘Hazrat Abdul Mutalib’ took care of him. His grandfather also died after two years but before his death he gave responsibility of taking care of greatest man in the world Muhammad (S.A.W.W) to his uncle ‘Hazrat Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib’.
Hazrat Muhammad PBUH used to live with his uncle. The Prophet didn’t receive any formal education but from 9 years of age he started showing signs of intelligence. People of Makkah loved him because of his sweet nature.
World’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad PBUH at the age of 12
At the age of 12, greatest man in the world went to Barsa with his uncle. This journey took many days and night. When they reached Barsa, Hazrat Abu Talib introduced the prophet to an old man Bahira. That man recognised his signs of Prophethood and asked Hazrat Abu Talib to protect Hazrat Muhammad PBUH and take him back home.
World’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad PBUH used to help his uncle in his work. He used to spend most of the time alone. He used to become sad seeing the people of Makkah fighting with each other and ignoring the laws.
Role of world’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad PBUH in Harb ul Fijar war
When world’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad PBUH was about 15 years old, a war broke out between Quraish and tribes. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH didn’t took an active part in this war but he helped people a lot. He collected arrows and handed them over to his uncle. Greatest man in the world Hazrat Muhammad PBUH also helped the affectees and gave them bandage. He had a helping personality due to which he is known as greatest man of all times.
The people of Makkah were very inspired by Prophet’s knowledge, his good character and his personality that people of Makkah gave him the title of ‘Al Amin’ which means ‘Faithful’.
Greatest Man in the world Hazrat Muhammad PBUH Marriage
World’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) went to Syria at the age of 25 for trade. At this journey of Syria, he met Hazrat Khadija. Hazrat Khadija was the daughter of Khuwaylid ibn Asad. She was a businesswoman and a respectable widow.
Hazrat Khadija knew the good nature and personality of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) that is why she requested him to take her merchandise to Syria for trade. The prophet went to Syria along with Maisara who was servant of Hazrat Khadija. He dealt fairly and made huge profit.
After the return from journey, Hazrat Khadija questioned his servant about the nature and personality of the World’s best man till today Prophet (S.A.W.W). His servant told her about the fair dealings of the Prophet. Hazrat Khadija was very inspired that she sent a marriage proposal to Greatest man in the world.
Hazrat Abu Talib accepted marriage proposal on behalf of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. She (Hazrat Khadija) proved to be an ideal wife as she took care of her husband and supported him in every thick and thin.
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) as the Greatest man of all times
The prophet was very helpful, he helped many people of Makkah, he sold his belongings to help his uncle with loans and provided education to his uncle’s son. Greatest man in the world personality was very inspiring, he had good knowledge of religion and had best character that is why he is known as the greatest man of all times.
Some thieves of Arab snatched a child from his parents and sold him to others. One relative of Hazrat Khadija took ownership of that child and gifted him to Hazrat Khadija and Muhammad (S.A.W.W). His name was Hazrat Zayed. World’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad PBUH took good care of him and announced in Makkah that he is his son. Hazrat Zayd changed his surname to Hazrat Zayed bin Muhammad.

Greatest man in the world Period of Divine Revelations
When Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) reached 40 years of age, he become very concerned about the situation of Makkah as people used to fight a lot and didn’t care about each other. He used to spend much of his time alone in a cave called “Ghar e Hira”.
One day when Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was alone in “Ghar e Hira” cave, an angel Jibrail appeared before him. He was very shocked and was not able to believe. The angel asked the World’s best man till today Prophet (S.A.W.W) “to read” to which the Muhammad (S.A.W.W) replied; ‘I cannot read’.
Then the angel hold the greatest man in the world Hazrat Muhammad PBUH and asked him to read again. Then Prophet (S.A.W.W) repeated few verses after the angel. The prophet came back to his home and told Hazrat Khadija about it.
Hazrat Khadija comforted him, and she took him to her cousin Warqa bin Naufal who had great knowledge of religion. When Hazrat Khadija told his cousin about what happened to Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W. W), he told her about the Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (S.AW.W.).
World’s best man till today Scribes of divine revelations
There was total 40 scribes of the revelations, following are the most prominent;
- Hazrat Abu Bake
- Hazrat Umar
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Ali.
- Abdullah bin Masood.
- Zaid bin Sabit.
- Ameer Muawiyah.
- Ubbay bin Ka’ab.
- Khalid bin Walid.
Preaching of Islam by greatest man in the world
The Prophet then spent his rest of the life in receiving the revelations and his companions used to memorize these versus of revelations. Greatest man in the world Hazrat Muhammad PBUH started preaching Islam to the people of Makkah and invited his friends and family to the religion of Islam.
The first women to accept the Islam was “Hazrat Khadija” and the first child to accept Islam was “Hazrat Ali”. The first person who accept Islam outside the Prophet’s family was Hazrat Abu Bakr. Hazrat Zayed also accepted Islam with them.
Some people were against the Islam, and they didn’t want World’s best man till today Prophet PBUH to spread message of Islam. They didn’t believe him and opposed him. These people included Prophet’s own uncle “Abu Lahab” the prophet then started preaching Islam in public and private gatherings.
Companions of the greatest man in the world
There are 10 best companions of the greatest man in the world Holy Prophet PBUH they are known as Ashrah Mubasharah. He gave them the great honour or entrance into Paradise. Among these were 6 old men and 4 young men. They were among the first ones who accepted Islam. Following are the names of Ashrah Mubasharah;
1. Hazrat Abu Bakr.
2. Hazrat Umar.
3. Hazrat Usman.
4. Hazrat Ali.
5. Hazrat Talha.
6. Hazrat Zubair.
7. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah.
8. Hazrat Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas.
9. Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf.
10. Saeed bin Zaid.
Migration of the World’s best man till today to Medina
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) spent 13 years in Madina. At the age of 53, Prophet received revelation about migration to Madina. Therefore, he along with his companions migrated to Yasrab which is now called as Madina.
Following events took place in Medina
1- Construction of mosque
After reaching Madina, the first event that took place was the construction of a mosque known as ‘Masjid e Nabvi’. This was the first masjid that was constructed in Madina.
2- Settlement of Muhajireen
Muhajireen were those people that migrated from Makkah to Madina. These people had no house, money and other resources. They left their everything in Makkah. Therefore, greatest man in the world Muhammad (S.A.W.W) took the step of fraternizing Muhajireen with Ansar. Ansar were Madina people that helped Muhajireen.
World’s best man till today Prophet PBUH developed brotherhood, discipline and unity between these two groups of Muhajireen and Ansar. These Ansar took Muhajireen to their homes and shared everything with them. This Ansar Muhajireen brotherhood was remarkable in history and it was due to the efforts of the Prophet the greatest man of all times.
“And as for the first and foremost of the Muhajireen (emigrants) and the Ansar (helpers), and those who followed suit in good deeds; Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him; and He has prepared for them gardens watered by running streams, therein dwelling forever; that is a supreme triumph.” (9:100)
3- Change of qibla
Before second Hijri, Qibla was Aqsa Mosque which is located at “Jerusalem”. After migration to Madina in 2nd Hijri, the greatest man in the world Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) received revelations while he was offering Namaz. This revelation was about the change of direction of Qibla to Kabba. Since then, Muslims pray Namaz in the direction of Kabbah.
4- Participation of greatest man in the world in Battle of Uhad
In the third year of Hijri, a very important event took place which was the Battle of Uhad. Almost 3000 people headed from Makkah to attack Muslims of Madina. They were more prepared than battle of Badar with more weapons and armed.
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) the greatest man in the world gathered Muslims of Madina in one place and asked them about where to fight this battle. He always valued other’s opinion that’s why he was a great leader and the best man on earth. Even though The Prophet himself wanted to fight inside the city of Madina.
But considering the majority opinion, he decided to fight this battle outside Madina. 3 miles to the north of Madina, this battle took place at a place called “Uhad” that is why this battle was named as battle of Uhad. This battle was a defeat to Muslims as soldiers didn’t obey what the prophet said. World’s best man till today ordered the archers not to leave their place as Quraish can attack from back.

Characteristics of Prophet’s (S.A.W.W) Personality
World’s best man till today hazrat Muhammad PBUH was completely different from other people. He always spoke the truth and never told lie. Greatest man in the world Hazrat Muhammad PBUH used to talk in polite tone, and he always followed justice in every dealing. He was a shepherd and was engaged in trade which he dealt with honesty and integrity. He never caused harm to anyone, even he suffered for other people.
1- Greatest man in the world Honesty and Truthfulness
The holy prophet (S.A.W.W) who was the greatest man on earth was known for his honest personality. He proved many times about his truthfulness. He always dealt fairly in every trade dealing.
People of Makkah were also known about his honest and trustworthy nature. He was even given the title of ‘Al-Sadiq’ and ‘Al-Amin’ by Makkah people. ‘Al Sadiq’ means The Truthful and ‘Al-Amin’ means The Trustworthy.
2- Humbleness of greatest man in the world
The Holy Prophet PBUH the greatest man in the world showered love and affection. He was a humble person and kind by nature. He never acted proud of his social and political status. World’s best man till today was the best example for every person on earth as he is known as the Greatest man on earth.
He used to visit the sick people, accept the invitation of slaves, he used to care for others and there are many other incidents of his humility. World’s best man till today also preached humility. All his life he lived in a simple way as a humble person and taught his followers the same.
3- World’s best man till today Forgiveness
One of the best qualities of world’s best man till today Prophet PBUH was forgiveness. He always forgiven people even though he forgave his worst enemies. He had soft heart for everyone and never took revenge from anyone.
A great example of his forgiveness is shown by the following incident. The Quraish always taunted him, mocked at him and even tried to kill him. The companions of the greatest man in the world Prophet (S.A.W.W) requested him to curse the Quraish people. Instead, Prophet said: “O Allah! Forgive my people for they know not”.
The Holy Prophet also forgave Hazrat Sufyan who fought against him. Not only this but this greatest man on earth also forgave the Abyssinian slave who killed Hazrat Hamza and Hinda in the battle of Uhad.
4- World’s best man till today Fulfilment of Promises
Fulfilment of promises was also a great quality of the greatest man in the world. He always fulfilled his every promise. Not even one incident is known of his not fulfilling the promise or breaking it. When king of Rome received invitation of Islam by World’s best man till today Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W), he asked some questions about the Prophet (S.A.W.W) from Abu Sufyan.
He asked that did the Prophet (S.A.W.W) ever break his any promise? Even though Abu Sufyan was enemy of Islam, yet he replied that the Prophet (S.A.W.W) had never broken his any promise. The Prophet (S.A.W.W) set an example by always keeping his promises.
Relations of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) the Best man on Earth with others:
1- World’s best man till today Behaviour towards companions
Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) the greatest man in the world was a very kind and polite person. He always showed kindness to others and gave gentle treatment. He never been harsh to anyone not even to his enemies. His companions always talked about his gentle behaviour.
He always showed mercy and kindness to his companions, was always concerned about his companions. He used to get stressed if any of his companion didn’t visit him for some days. Greatest man in the world Hazrat Muhammad PBUH was very kind to everyone that he was always surrounded by many people who were his followers.
Not only with his companions but World’s best man till today Prophet (S.A.W.W) also treated strangers kindly. He was very polite towards others. He taught Muslims to behave good with strangers and protect their lives and belongings.
2- Greatest man in the world Behaviour with children
Prophet (S.A.W.W) has a very kind heart, he loved children. He used to give fruits to the children. One of his companions said; “I have never seen anyone act more kindly towards children than Allah’s messenger.” this shows how much Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) loved children.
In a battlefield, some children were killed, he became very distressed seeing children being killed. By noticing his stress, someone told him that those children were of unbelievers. To this he replied: “Even children of unbelievers are better than you. Beware! Do not kill children.”
3- Behaviour with Women by World’s best man till today
The greatest man in the world Holy Prophet PBUH gave honour and respect to women. He established women rights and gave women respectable place in society. He set a day for women on which women can share their problems and ask advice fearlessly.
Once some women visited Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) and were talking to him in loud tone. When Hazrat Umar came into the house, these women left. To which Hazrat Umar said, “You fear me but you do not fear Allah’s Messenger.” those women replied: “You are hot-tempered in comparison with Allah’s Messenger.” Due to his kind and gentle treatment, women used to visit him and take advice from the greatest man on earth.
4- World’s best man till today Behaviour with Poor
Prophet PBUH always showed sympathy to the poor. He often used to go with them to the Kaabah for prayers. World’s best man till today Prophet PBUH also asked people to help poor. He also instructed that zakat should be taken from rich people of a tribe and should be given to poor people of the same tribe.
The greatest man in the world often used to pray: “O Allah! Keep me alive as a poor man; make me die as a poor man and resurrect me in the company of the poor. One of his companions talked about one incident that shows how much Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) loved poor. “Once I was sitting in the Mosque of the Prophet (S.A.W.W) and the poor Muhajirin were sitting in one part of the Mosque.
After sometime Allah’s messenger came and sat with them. On seeing this, I got up and sat with them. The Prophet (S.A.W.W) said: “Give good news to the poor Muhajirin that they will enter paradise forty year before the rich.”
5- Greatest man in the world Hazrat Muhammad PBUH Behaviour with Orphans
The Holy Prophet PBUH also advised people to be kind to orphans. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) said about poor people: “The best Muslim house is that in which is an orphan who is well treated and the worst Muslim house is that in which is an orphan ill-treated.” Abu Hurairah said once a man came to Holy Prophet PBUH and complained about having a hard heart. To which he said: “Pat an orphan’s head and feed the poor.”
The world’s best man till today Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) was also kind to slaves, he always freed them. He said the following for the poor: “They are your brothers; give them to eat what you eat; give them to wear what you wear.” Zaid bin Haris was a slave of Prophet PBUH. He freed him, treated him well and gave him choice if he wants to go to his father.
World’s best man till today FAQS:
Q1. Who was the greatest man in the world?
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) is the greatest man in the world.
Q2. Why Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was considered as the best man on earth?
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was considered as the World’s best man till today on earth because he had kind and gentle personality. He cared about everyone women, children, poor, orphans and animals. He always behaved nicely with everyone and treated his slaves well.
Q3. When world’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was born?
The world’s best man till today Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was born on 12th Rabi ul Awal 571 A.D in Makkah. He was born in Quraish family and was the son of Hazrat Abdullah.
Q4. At what age, Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) received his first revelations?
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) received his first revelation when he was 40 years old.
Q5. When Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) migrated to Madina?
In 622 A.D, Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) migrated to Madina when he was 53 years old.
Q6. Who was the first person to accept Islam from the preaching of the greatest man on Earth?
Hazrat Khadija was the first person who accepted Islam and trusted Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W).
Q7. Who was the first child to accept Islam?
Hazrat Ali was the first child to accept Islam.
World’s best man till today Conclusion:
The Holy Prophet PBUH life is perfect, it serves as an example for all men and women of all ages. He preached the teachings of Islam to everyone his family, friends, relatives and other people of Makkah and Madina. Along with preaching, he also practised what he preached. World’s best man till today Prophet Muhammad PBUH is a role model – in character, virtues and personality – for whole mankind.
World’s best man till today also taught people to be good, honest and helpful. He practiced justice and asked everyone to be just in all of their dealings. He was kind to everyone, to women, children, poor, slaves, orphans and animals. Greatest man in the world was always very humble to his companions. He treated them well and always about their well-being. He maintained good friendly relations with every person.
Greatest man in the world Hazrat Muhammad PBUH had a forgiving personality. He forgave everyone even his worst enemies. His enemies also talked good about him. He was known as the best man on Earth. He was very simple, was not proud of his leadership and Prophethood and set a great example of how to live a peaceful life. Therefore, every Muslim should follow his teachings and be on a good path.
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